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Prevent Epidemics

Prevent Epidemics

 Program/Project / by Animut Mesfin / 202 views

PreventEpidemics is the world’s first website to provide an overall score for a USA’s ability to find, stop and prevent diseases. The website also offers high-quality resources and tools for COVID-19. Prevent Epidemics provides technical assistance to at-risk countries directly or through partners, mobilizes resources to support preparedness, and catalyzes political will to address epidemic preparedness gaps. We provide concerned citizens, civil society groups, media and implementers with expert technical resources, detailed country-level data, country preparedness strengths and gaps and practical advocacy tools. It mobilizes resources to be used at local, national and global levels and its recommendations are rooted in science and best practices. The press page has latest op-eds, press releases and new stories. 

Visits: 8

  • Listing ID: 31990
  • Subject category: Communicable diseases
  • Database Type: Health organization
  • More Details:
  • Organization type: Programs, and all other health advocates
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