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African journals

Here you will find open access online journals from African countries extracted from different resources. African Journals Online (AJOL) is a partnership of hundreds of African-published scholarly journals and links to health-related online journals Some of the AJOL links are provided on this site to our user communities. In some cases, you may need to register to get access to full-text downloads in your field of research.

The SA Waterbulletin is a magazine on water and water research published by the South African Water Research Commission.

 Community development / 760 views

The SA Pharmaceutical Journal publishes topics of interest in the medical and pharmaceutical arena. It is the official Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa.

 General information / 672 views

SA Heart publishes peer reviewed articles dealing with cardiovascular disease, including original research, topical reviews, papers and viewpoints. Regular features include an ECG quiz, image in cardiology and...

 Non-communicable diseases / 874 views

SAHARA-J publishes research on social factors relating to HIV/AIDS with a particular focus on research in sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries. The journal covers care, support, behavior...

 Communicable diseases / 646 views

The Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences publishes topics relevant to various health related fields including but not limited to public health, nutrition, health management and policy, medicine, and...

 African Journals / 613 views

The Rwanda Journal publishes original works on both fundamental and applied research. The works either demonstrate a significant new discovery or other contribution that has been established to...

 Public health / 578 views

The Pan African Medical Journal publishes original scientific studies, public health initiatives, comments and reviews on clinical, social, political, economical and other factors affecting health. The journal aims...

 Medicine / 754 views

Orient Journal of Medicine is a scientific journal that publishes original articles, reviews, and case reports in the biomedical sciences. It aims at disseminating clinical practice and emerging...

 Medicine / 542 views

Occupational Risk Management serves the information and communication needs of the occupational, health, safety and environmental management professions. The journal’s coverage is from 2005-2009.

 Occupational health / 813 views

Occupational Health Southern Africa is dedicated for the occupational health disciplines in Southern Africa. The focus is on occupational medicine, nursing and hygiene, as well as primary health...

 Occupational health / 705 views

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum is written by specialists in the field. It aims to present articles on the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology in South Africa. The...

 Mental health & psycho-social services / 707 views

The Nigerian Medical Journal publishes topics of interest to clinicians, researchers, resident doctors, epidemiologists, medical and paramedical teachers, biomedical scientists, health managers and other professionals. Publications include original...

 Medicine / 499 views

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research publishes scientific work in all areas of pharmaceutical and life sciences, including, among others, medicinal plant research, herbal medicines and cosmetics, development...

 Medical services / 707 views

The Nigerian Journal of Parasitology is devoted primarily to pure and applied research and provides a forum for the publication of investigations in all aspects of Parasitology. The...

 Diseases/disease control / 676 views

The Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma publishes original papers, review articles and case reports on pathology, anaesthesia, orthopaedics and trauma. It is the official publication of the...

 Disability & rehabilitation / 590 views

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