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The Amhara Health Bureau in Ethiopia oversees healthcare services in the region, develops policies to improve health outcomes, ensures quality healthcare is accessible, and promotes public health, disease...

 Government health organization / 1 views

AHRI was founded in 1970 through the initiative of the Norwegian and Swedish Save the Children organizations. The Institute got its name from the Norwegian physician, Gerhard Henrik...

 Government health organization / 1073 views / Popular

The Benshangul-Gumuz Health Bureau is the main health authority in the region of Benshangul-Gumuz, Ethiopia, responsible for developing health policies and strategies to improve health outcomes. The Bureau...

 Government health organization / 1 views

Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is a leading healthcare facility offering a wide range of medical services, specializing in surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics, and internal medicine. It...

 Government health organization / 2 views

The Dire Dawa Administration Health Bureau oversees and coordinates health services in the city. It promotes residents' health through immunization, disease prevention, maternal and child health services, and...

 Government health organization

The Harar Health Bureau in Ethiopia is a government organization that coordinates healthcare services in the region. Its main focus is to enhance residents' health and well-being through...

 Government health organization

The National Blood Bank Service in Ethiopia collects, tests, stores, and distributes blood and blood products to healthcare facilities, ensuring a safe and sufficient supply for patients requiring...

 Government health organization / 2 views

Saint Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College is affiliated with St. Paul's Hospital. The College offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and public health. It’s mission...

 Government health organization

The Sidama Health Bureau is a government agency responsible for overseeing and implementing healthcare initiatives in the Sidama National Regional State in Ethiopia. The Bureau works to improve...

 Government health organization / 2 views

The Somali Regional State Health Bureau in Ethiopia is in charge of healthcare policies and services, aiming to enhance population health through essential services, public health initiatives, and...

 Government health organization

The Tigray Health Bureau is a government organization that oversees health services and programs. Its goal is to improve healthcare access, reduce disease prevalence through prevention and treatment,...

 Government health organization / 1 views

Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College is a medical institution. It provides medical education and training for aspiring healthcare professionals, as well as medical services to the local community....

 Government health organization / 3 views

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