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DMUJIDS is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to contribute knowledge to the academic world by publishing original research works from various disciplines including agriculture, health, business and humanities....

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The Ethiopian Journal of Economics (EJE) is a publication of the Ethiopian Economic Association. The journal is devoted to the advancement of economics as a scientific discipline in...

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The Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology (EJST) publishes original research articles, reviews, short communications, and articles on basic and applied aspects of science, technology, agriculture, health and...

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The Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities (EJOSSAH) is a peer-reviewed journal of the social sciences and humanities specializing on social, political, economic and cultural development...

 General information / 1263 views / Popular

The Science, Technology and Arts Research (STAR) Journal contributes to further the scientific knowledge related to the field of science, technology and arts. The journal publishes original research...

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