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The Community Health Toolkit (CHT) is a project by a group of leading organizations who have come together to support the development of digital health initiatives in the...

 Program/Project / 587 views

The FANTA project ended in 2018; but the website provides an archive of the project’s activities in the areas of maternal & child health, nutrition, infectious diseases, food...

 Program/Project / 229 views

PreventEpidemics is the world’s first website to provide an overall score for a USA’s ability to find, stop and prevent diseases. The website also offers high-quality resources and...

 Program/Project / 202 views

STOP is a partnership between the Tobacco Control Research Group at the University of Bath, the Global Center for Good Governance in Tobacco Control, the International Union Against...

 Program/Project / 225 views

TREAT TB, a multi-year project funded by USAID, seeks to contribute to new knowledge regarding shorter, more tolerable treatment regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) through clinical trials of...

 Program/Project / 562 views

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