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The main objective of the ASDI is to create different platforms destined for the professionals of dentistry to communicate their clinical and research work. The journal is hosted...

 Oral health / 169 views

The African Journal of Oral Health (AJOH) is a quarterly publication aimed at disseminating knowledge that will enhance the practice of oral health, particularly in Africa. The Journal...

 Oral health / 794 views

Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences is an Open Access (OA) aspires to play a national, regional and international role in the promotion of responsible...

 Oral health / 339 views

The South African Dental Journal (SADJ) primarily carries research articles which reflect oral and general health issues in Africa. The Journal also publishes papers covering the widest consideration of all...

 Oral health / 330 views

Tanzania Dental Journal publishes articles on original research work, reviews, short communications, letters, and case reports on all aspects of oral health.

 Oral health / 288 views

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