+251 118-276-795
Global PHC Program

The Global PHC Programmatic Area of IPHC-E is the outward-facing section of the Institute that aims to share Ethiopia’s best experiences in PHC with other low- and middle-income countries while at the same time taking lessons learned from other African countries and sharing it with Ethiopia.

Our Services

GPHC Systems Training

The main PHC Systems capacity building training is a course that includes eight Modules focusing on developing or adapting PHC programs in LMICs. This is done by building on PHC experiences in Ethiopia, as well as other model global PHC experiences.

PHC Webinar Series

We conduct monthly webinars on different aspects of PHC Systems. The objective is to strengthen PHC Systems in LMICs. We feature world-class experts on each topic and different country experiences are shared.

PHC Capacity Assessment

Based on the need and request of the countries for the capacity assessment of their country health system particularly the PHC System, IPHC-E do PHC capacity assessment so that the country could work to improve their PHC System based on the gap identified or could seek technical assistance.

Providing Technical Support

IPHC-E will create a Technical Assistance Team (TAT) that has a high-level experience in PHC both globally and nationally. Based on identified gap/improvement area this TAT will support the country to improve its PHC System

Other courses that we are offering

Click here to access the Courses
Introduction to PHC
Introduction to PHC
Creating Resilient PHC Systems
This is just a simple text made for this unique and awesome template.
Creating Resilient PHC Systems
Creating Resilient PHC Systems

Our Achievements So Far








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