+251 118-276-795
Knowledge Generation/ Implementation Research

Knowledge Generation and Implementation Research(IResearch) are used to improve PHC programs and enhance translation into policies, strategies and actions.. Also includes sharing PHC knowledge through best practices, policy briefs, other printed materials and capacity building training for researchers and program implementers.

Our Services

Evidence Synthesis/Implementation Research

This includes generation and synthesis of evidence on PHC through:

Small Grant
these are collaborative projects with universities in Ethiopia. Staff and PhD students compete for a small grant every year and the best five proposals win and collaborate with IPHC-E.
Evidence synthesis:
We synthesize evidence on major health priorities, problems and share findings for actions.
Systematic reviews/scoping reviews
Systematic reviews/scoping reviews: We conduct systematic reviews on selected priority health issues.
Joint research projects and evaluation projects:
We collaborate with national and international partners in implementation research and evaluation projects. E.g. The African Health Diagnostic Platform in collaboration with The Johns Hopkins University.


Documentation Includes identifying health issues, interventions and practices for documentation and sharing them with policy makers, program people, practitioners, researchers and students.

Best practices/case studies
We identify best practices in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, partners and from research outputs. Example, we documented practices in high performing woredas (districts) and the practice of intersectoral collaboration in nutrition interventions – the Sekota Declaration.
Book/reports/guidelines: Document and share high impact programs and processes. Book edited:


Dissemination includes: informing PHC policies, strategies, programs and practices through evidence sharing.

Publication of PHC digest
Publication of PHC digest and reaching out regional constituents and other partners: We produce at least one PHC digest a year and are distributed to partners and people from the Ministry of Health during meetings, training programs and conferences. We also upload the PHC digest on our resource website so that it is available to anyone interested in Ethiopia or globally.
Producing and disseminating
These are a one or two page summarized evidences that are produced from our small grant projects, systematic reviews and other collaborative researches.
Dissemination research findings
Dissemination research findings & issue/policy brief: We organize workshops for disseminating findings of research outputs to the Ministry of health and partners. present findings in conferences
Publish research outputs
Publish research outputs in peer reviewed journals: We have so far published about 23 publications of which 12 are from small grants, implementation research and systematic reviews.

Capacity building and collaborations

We provide manuscript writing training in collaboration with universities for junior staff and program people with zero draft manuscripts so that their work are published in peer reviewed journals. So far we have conducted 4 rounds of training (5-7 people are trained each year). To reach out to more people, six modules are prepared for blended learning.

Our Achievements






Small Grant
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