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Primary Health Care Leadership Development Program

he Primary Health Care Leadership Development Program (PLDP) is a blended leadership certificate program aimed at building leadership and management capacity of staff working at Woreda administration, Woreda health offices and primary health care facilities. The target groups for the PLDP include; health center directors, Woreda health officers and management teams, Woreda administrator, Woreda sectorial offices (finance, civil service, human resources, water, agriculture, infrastructure etc.), zonal health offices, regional health bureau staff and hospital managers.

The Primary Health Care Leadership Development Program (PLDP)

he Primary Health Care Leadership Development Program (PLDP) is a blended leadership certificate program aimed at building leadership and management capacity of staff working at Woreda administration, Woreda health offices and primary health care facilities. The target groups for the PLDP include; health center directors, Woreda health officers and management teams, Woreda administrator, Woreda sectorial offices (finance, civil service, human resources, water, agriculture, infrastructure etc.), zonal health offices, regional health bureau staff and hospital managers.

Primary Health Care Leadership Development Program

Course Objectives

To provide the participants with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude required to lead primary health care system effectively. It is aimed to build individual and group capacity for effective leadership and management in health and health care. Skills are attained through exposure to both class room sessions and practical team-based experience sharing assignments on key leadership and management concepts. By the end of the course, participants will have developed or strengthened the skills required to: 

  • Build management and leadership capacity of individuals 
  • Effectively engage key stakeholders 
  • Create high-functioning and cohesive teams
Module descriptions
Module 1: Introduction to Primary Health Care and Health Systems
This module will briefly introduce global views on primary health care, WHO’s health system framework and focus on Ethiopia’s PHC situation and the role of leadership and management in the delivery of effective PHC services.
Module two: Leadership and Management
This module will provide definitions key terms/concepts and briefly review the historical background and evolution of leadership theories. It also helps participants to clearly identify and analyze key areas of difference between managers
Module Three: Engaging Stakeholders and Communication Skills
Participants will specifically identify key stakeholders and plan to involve them in the creation, implementation, and evaluation of the programs/projects of the organization. Participants will discuss advantages and challenges related to the mapping and engaging of stakeholders.
Module Four: Managing Team Dynamics
This module introduces stages of team formation and provides a framework for understanding team functionality and develops techniques for encouraging high performance
Module Five: Organizational culture
This module introduces the theory of change and the importance of organization culture for a resilient system. The session defines organizational culture, describes what determines organization culture and the layered concept of organizational cultures.
Module Six:. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
This module provides techniques for anticipating conflict and being responsive to it, managing conflict effectively, and cultivating buy-in among stakeholders using interest based negotiation.
Module Seven: Meeting and Time Management
This module introduces time management and meeting management principles and techniques in the context of primary health care

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