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Global PHC Programs

The Global PHC Programmatic Area of IPHC-E is the outward-facing section of the Institute that aims to share Ethiopia’s best experiences in PHC with other low- and middle-income countries while at the same time taking lessons learned from other African countries and sharing it with Ethiopia.
The exchange of best experiences is done to strengthen the PHC system of other low- and middle-income countries while also supporting Ethiopia’s PHC system. This will be done by utilizing an evidence-based, scientifically sound, up-to-date, participant-centered, innovative model of capacity building to strengthen the PHC system of the client countries. Moreover, a designed online and onsite support (using a mentor embedding model) targeted to offer the right amount of assistance depending on the country’s need. It strives to give the client countries the tools to mobilize all the resources necessary for strengthening PHC systems including HR, financial resources, political will, etc.

Global PHC Support Major Projects

Provide capacity building and training

The capacity building training is a two weeks course that includes eight Modules focusing on developing or adapting PHC programs in LMIC countries. This is done by building on PHC experiences in Ethiopia, as well as other model global PHC experiences.
Participants will gain a conceptual and practical grasp of the underlying values and processes within PHC systems as well as experience with a set of key components of the system and how they can be set up to achieve desired outcomes. The two-week curriculum is organized based on the six health systems building blocks of WHO: service delivery, health workforce, health information systems, medicines, financing and governance and an additional building block, community engagement. The two weeks also include the opportunity for participants to directly experience these components within the Ethiopia PHC system through field visits and global case study activities.
In the last five years, the program hosted 17 visits of senior delegations from 12 countries who have received training/experience sharing visits from the Institute, including the opportunity to learn from exposure to field programs.
Currently we are providing different capacity building activities like:
Free certificate course titled Leveraging PHC for Covid 19 Response: Insights from Ethiopia’s experience now available on
Experience Sharing visits on Health Harmonization and Alignment, and the Institute will provide similar experience sharing sessions as per countries requests
The International Institute of Primary Health Care, Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, held the first of the Tripartite Webinar series on Urban Primary Health Care: Challenges and Lessons. Now we are undergoing the monthly PHC webinar series with the title “Strengthening PHC System in LMICs” This contributes o Creating an experience and knowledge-sharing opportunity, Benchmarking best practices and identify research gaps in PHC
Global PHC Support Major Projects

Conduct PHC capacity assessment

Based on the need and request of the countries for the capacity assessment of their country health system particularly the PHC System, the IPHC-E do the capacity assessment so that the country could work to improve their PHC System based on the gap identified or could seek technical assistance.
Provide Technical Support to implement capacity building program : The IPHC-E will create a Technical Assistance Team (TAT) that has a high-level experience in PHC both globally and nationally. Based on identified gap/improvement area this TAT will support the country to improve its PHC System

Global PHC Support Program

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