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African Health Organizations

Here you find non- governmental and governmental organizations, networks, partnerships, academic institutions, UN agencies and African Union entities committed to improving health and health care in Africa. Some of the organizations support community-based approach to health care and take innovative methods to health care needs in the Region. Many of the health organizations have offices and programs in a number of Sub-Sahara African countries. The location of the headquarters of each health organization is indicated in this directory.

Supporting the Use of Research Evidence (SURE) is a mechanism to support WHO to strengthen evidence-informed policy-making for African health systems.  SURE builds on and supports the Evidence-Informed...

 Other (program/project) / 441 views

Kheth’Impilo specializes in solution development and implementation for health and community systems and services strengthening in marginalized communities. The comprehensive health care solutions include treatment, care and support...

 Non-Government Organization / 544 views

IPPFAR is the leading Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) service delivery organization and the leading SRH and sexual rights advocacy voice in Africa. The programs of the Federation...

 Non-Government Organization / 939 views

The main objectives of the ILO in Africa are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues. Areas...

 UN agency / 720 views

IAC is an umbrella body that has been working on policy programs and actions to prevent and eliminate traditional practices that are harmful to or impede the health,...

 Partnership / 727 views

HST, a non-profit organization, has played a significant role in the transformation of the South African health system. HST’s approach is based on the primary health care philosophy...

 Non-Government Organization / 574 views

HERFON is a non-profit organization informing and influencing health partnership, advocacy, capacity building, and evidence generation and use. The Foundation functions as the coalition brainpower of civil society...

 Non-Government Organization / 1409 views / Popular

HEARD, based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, is an applied research center that brings together interdisciplinary teams to solve complex health problems on the African continent. The Division...

 Academic institution / 670 views

HHA is a collaborative initiative by AfDB, GHWA, JICA, NORAD, UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, USAID, WHO and WB to provide regional support to governments in Africa in strengthening their...

 Partnership / 707 views

EQUINET is a network of professionals, civil society members, policy makers, state officials and others in East and Southern Africa, who have come together to promote and realize...

 Network (advocacy or NGO) / 639 views

End Child Marriage Now Campaign is aimed at promoting, protecting and advocating for the rights of women and girls in Africa. The overall purpose for the Campaign is...

 African Union initiative / 674 views

The ELMA Philanthropies Services is the services arm of The ELMA Group of Foundations. The ELMA Foundation aims to improve the lives of Africa’s children and youth through...

 Partnership / 673 views

The Eastern Cape Department of Health aims to provide and ensure accessible, comprehensive, integrated health services in the Eastern Cape by emphasizing in the primary health care approach...

 Academic institution / 715 views

CSIR works to help improve the health of all South Africans. Health projects include TB diagnostic development, technology for better healthcare, air pollution and cancer. To combat the...

 Government health organization / 654 views

The CSA&G, based at the University of Pretoria, develops a range of interventions to address the social drivers and the social consequences of AIDS. The Center strives for...

 Academic institution / 760 views

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