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Knowledge Generation and Management

The knowledge Generation programmatic area focuses on generating and synthesizing evidence for policy/practice input and making accessible global knowledge on PHC to its constituents especially ministries of health and implementing partners. This will be done through conducting implementation research that feeds the national and global PHC systems through knowledge sharing and evidence to policy translation.

Strategic Objective

Enhance implementation research capacity for policy translation and program improvement

Collaborate with universities through small grant research projects

Through this small grant scheme, IPHC-E collaborates with local universities to conduct and disseminate research findings to the MOH and its partners through workshops, issue briefs, and publications. Based on the call for applications each year, the top five proposals on priority PHC topics are selected, approved, and sponsored.
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Publish Primary Health Care digest

Two PHC digests will be published and disseminated online each year. The main aim of the PHC digests is to inform the health professionals, advocacy groups, and decision-makers at different levels on current health issues, policy recommendations and new findings in PHC extracted from documents, research findings, initiatives, and evaluation reports.
Views: 1297

Publish Issue briefs

Issue briefs on different health issues in PHC are published to inform MOH, implementing partners, and health workers at the different health system levels. Five to six issue briefs are published each year on priority PHC topics.
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Conduct research dissemination workshop

The research dissemination workshop aims to enhance evidence to policy translation that will be conducted every year by bringing together researchers, policy-makers, and implementing partners. The workshop is attended by experts from the Ministry of Health, non-governmental organizations, researchers, academia, and IPHC-E staff.
Views: 1297

Produce peer reviewed publications

The Institute publishes one or more peer-reviewed articles for wider consumption at the national and global levels every year. The data sources include primary data from the implementation of projects or from the synthesis of evidence including through conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses on priority PHC issues.
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Conduct capacity building workshops

A scientific manuscript writing workshop is organized once per year as part of the capacity-building initiative.  It is a 5-day workshop that will be provided free of charge for young researchers drawn from collaborating institutions. This training is designed to improve the capacity of collaborating universities and young researchers in scientific manuscript writing and publishing in peer-reviewed journals. The sessions cover the processes of writing scientific manuscripts that are logically organized and meet the reader and reviewer’s expectations. We involve facilitators from local and collaborating universities abroad.
Views: 1297

Conduct collaborative research projects

The purpose is to collaboratively generate sound evidence to influence policies and practices at the national, regional, and global levels. The Institute collaborates with partners in-country and abroad including the academia on PHC research, evaluation research, program design/motioning, and multicenter studies of priority issues.
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Conduct case studies/best practices

Conducting case studies and best practices creates a learning forum through sharing knowledge and best practices. Case studies and best practices enhance two-way learning i.e. the national program learns from other countries and at the same time shares its best practices with others. This is a collaborative activity with the National PHC support program.
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Identify PHC implementation gaps and ways of mitigation for program improvement
Search, synthesize and avail PHC research outputs
Conduct and synthesize prioritized implementation research to support the national and global PHC programs
Strengthen the capacity of partners in designing and conducting implementation research
Promote multi-country/collaborative research initiatives with international partners

Knowledge Generation and Management

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